
South Sudan Revenue Authority
The Republic of South Sudan
South Sudan Revenue Authority

Introducing eTax

The convenient way for taxpayers to access the Republic of South Sudan’s South Sudan Revenue Authority services online

Overview of eTax

All taxpayers, Citizens, foreigners, businesses, and NGOs, can now apply for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) on eTax online.

What is eTax? Electronic tax (eTax), is a digital platform developed by the NRA to enable taxpayers access services online.

What is a TIN? A Tax Identification Number (TIN) Is a unique number issued by the NRA to every taxpayer for tax related matters.

App screenshot


For Citizens

TIN registration is available to all South Sudanese Nationals


The Process

Step 1

Begin registration by clicking on register, and select the individual option.

Step 2

Follow the steps and provide the information on the registration form as required.

Step 3

Once successfully completed, an individual gets a profile on the eTax platform and is issued with a TIN, alongside a downloadable TIN certificate.



  • Your Personal Number from National Identity Card
  • A valid and active phone number
  • A valid and active email address
Get started today Already registered? Login to your account


For Foreigners

TIN registration is available to foreigners who have a source of income in South Sudan.


The Process

Step 1

Begin registration by clicking on register, and select the individual option.

Step 2

Follow the steps and provide the information on the registration form as required.

Step 3

Once successfully completed, the foreigner’s approval will undergo an approval process before being issued with a TIN certificate.

Step 4

A notification will be shared through the provided email address once successful.



  • Passport details
  • Valid alien Registration
  • A valid work permit
  • A valid and active phone number
  • A valid and active email address
Get started today Already registered? Login to your account


For Businesses

All legally registered businesses, companies or organizations operating in South Sudan require a TIN


The Process

Step 1

Before applying for a TIN, the business must be validated at the ministry of justice. Follow this link to learn more or proceed to validate your business: business.eservices.gov.ss

Step 2

Businesses can register for a TIN by clicking on register and selecting the Business or Company option. Follow the steps and provide the information on the registration form as required.

Step 3

Once completed, a business will be issued with a new TIN. NRA will then reconcile old records under the new TIN. A notification will be shared through the provided phone number or email address once the process is complete.

Step 4

The “add business” option is available from a registered individual’s profile. This can also be used to register a business TIN. The same conditions apply.



  • A valid Business Registration Number issued by the Ministry of Justice
  • Have a Director(s) registered for a TIN on the eTax portal
  • A certificate of TIN registration and TIN for businesses with an existing TIN.
  • A valid and active phone number
  • A valid and active email address
Get started today Already registered? Login to your account


For NGOs & Non-profit Organizations

Any Non-profit or Non-governmental organization registered with the Ministry of Humanitarian Services can apply for a TIN.

NGOs & Non-Profits

The Process

Step 1

Begin registration by clicking on register, and select the NGO & Non profit option.

Step 2

Follow the steps and provide the information on the registration form as required.

Step 4

Once completed, a NGO application will undergo an approval process before being issued with a TIN certificate. A notification will be shared through the provided email address once successful.

Step 3

The “Add Organization" option is available from a registered individual’s profile. This can also be used to register a Organization TIN. The same conditions apply.

NGOs & Non-Profits


  • A valid Registration Number issued by the Ministry of Humanitarian Services
  • Have a Director(s) registered for a TIN on the eTax portal
  • A copy of the certificate of TIN registration and a TIN for organisations that have an existing TIN.
  • A valid and active phone number
  • A valid and active email address
Get started today Already registered? Login to your account


Are you experiencing an issue on eTax? We are here to help. Call any of the numbers below or email for immediate assistance.

Call Support

+211 918806493 +211 912388318 +211 919382390 +211 917803637 +211 921058043

